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7 Benefits of High-Potency CBD Oil

7 Benefits of High-Potency CBD Oil

High-potency CBD is arguably the best choice for heavy consumers. Still, these products have benefits that all health enthusiasts can enjoy.

When CBD started gaining traction in the 2010s, it was a shell of what we have today regarding quality and concentration. But vendors offer high-potency CBD with unprecedented purity and efficacy thanks to new innovations, techniques, and technologies.

We also can’t forget how shockingly inexpensive some of these products are. However, the cost isn’t the only benefit of high-potency CBD.

So are strong CBD products right for you? Let’s see which advantages catch your eye.

What is High-Potency CBD?

No set number separates “regular” potency from high-potency CBD. Logically, we assume that a certain number of milligrams “counts” as high potency. For instance, some might see 2000mg as the cutoff, while others could claim it’s lower or higher.

However, defining a strong CBD product isn’t about the total CBD content. Instead, focus on the compound’s concentration.

For example, some vendors sell oils containing as much as 6,000mg per bottle. However – intentionally or not – this number is deceptive. These products typically come in larger containers, diluting the potency.

To truly understand if your cannabidiol is high-potency, you must look at the CBD per milliliter.

Calculating CBD Potency

A bit of simple math is all you need to determine how potent a CBD product is.

For example, if an oil contains 6,000mg of cannabidiol in a 120 mL bottle, the concentration per milliliter is 6,000 divided by 120. According to our calculations, the product contains 50 mg/ml (50mg of CBD per 1 mL).

Meanwhile, a smaller (and cheaper) 30 ml bottle at 3,000mg CBD oil equals 100 mg/ml. Essentially, the “high-CBD” 6,000 mg option charges customers for a carrier oil, not CBD.

In short, a genuine “high potency CBD” product contains a significant amount of CBD with each serving. However, the definition of “significant” depends on your personal dosage needs.

Benefits of High Potency CBD

The therapeutic benefits of high-potency CBD need little introduction. But there are many excellent reasons – health being just one – to try strong CBD products.

1. Value

Just like we value a healthy lifestyle, it’s also helpful to maintain a healthy wallet – especially with the rising living costs. Even if you don’t rely on a strong dose, high-potency CBD is a highly effective way to save money.

The “bang for your buck” varies depending on your vendor. For now, we’ll use this line of CBD oils as an example.

The mid-range products come in 750mg and 1500mg options at $59,99 and 109.99. Although these choices are good enough for average to slightly advanced CBD users, a 3,000mg option exists for $199.99.

This price point may seem intimidating, but the savings speak for themselves. When you divide the price by milligrams into the 750, 1500, and 3000 options, you pay $0.08, $0.073, and $0.066/mg, respectively.

High-potency CBD may occasionally hit your wallet, but the long-term savings will accumulate quickly. It won’t be long before these products pay for themselves.

2. Concentrated CBD Goes Farther

Speaking of savings, high-potency CBD offers greater longevity. Using a product with a high maximum strength means you use less oil in each serving.

For example, if your daily CBD consumption is 25mg from a 750mg product, this amounts to one milliliter per dosage. A 30 ml bottle will therefore last one month.

However, the 3,000mg option contains 100 mg/ml, meaning you can get the same strength with only 0.25 ml – four times longer. This stretches your product’s longevity from 30 days to 120.

Again, the 3,000mg oil costs $199.99, paid every four months. However, the 750mg product costs $59.99 monthly, almost $240.00 in the same 120-day timespan.

The numbers don’t lie. High-potency CBD stretches your dollar and makes dosing more efficient.

3. Improved Purity

The process of making a highly concentrated product leaves no room for fillers – a practice known in various industries as “dilution.”

Dilution is used to remain compliant with the federal 0.3% THC threshold. If a crude oil product exceeds the legal THC limit, manufacturers dilute it to lower the percentage by volume.

Consequently, however, CBD also gets diluted. This is why conventionally-produced oils won’t reach the concentration of their high-potency counterparts.

To create high-potency CBD, vendors have to use pure extract. Unfortunately, there’s a tradeoff. These oils will have more THC than regular products, so dose carefully.

4. High-Potency CBD is More Bioavailable (Sort Of)

Regardless of potency, oral CBD is the least bioavailable option.

Bioavailability refers to how much of the compound is left to be used by your body after – in CBD’s case – being processed by the liver.

Ultimately, CBD is CBD. The molecular composition and structure of cannabidiol don’t change, maintaining an average bioavailability of around 20%. Taking more CBD won’t improve that number, but it can compensate for some CBD lost during metabolism and digestion.

But on the flip side, an excess serving of CBD is as ineffective as consuming too little. Start with a very low dose and gradually increase over several days (or weeks, if needed) until you notice results.

5. High-Potency CBD Opens New Therapeutic Possibilities

While we don’t recommend a high CBD dose when addressing mild to moderate symptoms or for general wellness. But more severe issues require hundreds of milligrams. For instance, children with severe epilepsy – the only use proven by human clinical trials – take hundreds of milligrams.

Regardless of the reason, heavy CBD users can now access their needed potency without consuming massive amounts of oil or other products.

6. Strong Doses of CBD May Help Prevent Opioid Relapse

For instance, researchers in a rare double-blind placebo-controlled study examined CBD’s potential use to combat heroin relapses in past users.

The 2019 paper, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, split the participants into three groups. One received an 800 mg dose of CBD after being exposed to drug-seeking cues. The second and third groups were given 400 mg or placebo with the same instructions. Then, the individuals were subjected to craving-inducing triggers.

Interestingly, CBD helped reduce the desire to consume heroin. It also reduced physiological responses to drug cues, like rapid heartbeat, and increased salivation. The placebo group, meanwhile, didn’t show the same results.

Perhaps even more compelling is that the beneficial anti-craving effects lasted several days after the participants stopped consuming high-potency CBD.

Given the nature of the opioid crisis, having a natural remedy like CBD commercially available could – with more research – usher in groundbreaking addiction treatment.

7. High-Potency CBD is Packed With Terpenes and Other Cannabinoids

There’s no excuse for low-quality cannabidiol extracts. But given the specialization and advanced equipment needed, high-potency CBD manufacturers shouldn’t create disappointing products.

High-Potency CBD needs to be full-spectrum for maximum CBD retention. Although the concentration leaves behind higher amounts of THC per serving, the potent combination of cannabinoids and terpenes offers unbeatable therapeutic effects.

Are High-Potency CBD Products Better?

High-potency CBD products require a level of specialization and equipment conventional CBD manufacturers don’t offer. With such standards, it’s safe to assume that companies selling concentrated CBD put more time and care into their inventory.

Unfortunately, it’s not a perfect world. Printing a fake label or false lab report takes less skill (and money) than making genuine products. Fortunately, this practice is rare, but it’s crucial to research a company first.

Is High-Potency CBD Right for Me?

Considering its wide applications for all health and wellness levels, high-potency CBD isn’t only a niche product for heavy consumers.

When making your decision, consider the following questions:

  • Do I want to spend a lot now and save in the long term?
  • Are my health needs heavy enough to warrant large doses of CBD?
  • If I use a low or normal dose, how long can a more concentrated product last me?
  • Are the comparatively higher THC concentrations right for me?
  • Could THC affect my employment or legal status?
  • Is my chosen company transparent about sourcing, and does it confirm the product’s contents with third-party tests?

You don’t have to answer “yes” to all of those questions. But if enough resonates with you, high-potency CBD might be worth a try.


High-potency CBD isn’t just noteworthy for its cannabinoid strength. If you need high concentrations of CBD, these products are perfect for you.

But the average CBD user can also enjoy other benefits, such as long-term savings and less frequent orders.

However, THC may be a concern for some people. While high-potency CBD adheres to the federal 0.3% THC limit, higher extract concentrations leave behind more milligrams per serving. Consequently, some products could contain enough THC per milliliter to trigger intoxication or appear on a drug test.

Unfortunately, CBD (and cannabinoid medicine as a whole) isn’t well-understood. With that in mind, always consult a health professional before trying CBD.

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