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Does CBD Pass Into Breast Milk? What Studies Reveal

Does CBD Pass Into Breast Milk? What Studies Reveal

Even though cannabinoids can enter breast milk, many breastfeeding mothers are unconcerned about using cannabis — is the same true for users of CBD, the non-intoxicating form of cannabis?

Science hasn’t yet revealed very much regarding the safety of using CBD while breastfeeding, but mothers who use CBD are generally much more responsible than cannabis users at large. You don’t want to get high — you just want what’s right for your baby.

Should you stop using CBD at all while breastfeeding? Can CBD make its way into breast milk, and can it then harm your baby? We’ll answer all these questions throughout the course of the guide, providing real data you can use to make responsible decisions.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid naturally found in cannabis. While it’s mildly relaxing, CBD doesn’t produce anything close to a “high” — CBD lacks THC’s intoxicating attributes, and it’s generally considered safer to use than THC.

Also unlike THC, CBD is considered “industrial hemp” and is legal by federal law. Many mothers rely on CBD before they’re pregnant for help with sleeping or stress relief, and they naturally want to know whether it’s safe to start using CBD during the postpartum period.

Is CBD Safe While Breastfeeding?

The safety of using CBD while breastfeeding is unknown. CBD lacks many of the negative attributes of THC, but it still impacts the endocannabinoid and endocrine systems of you and your infant, potentially in negative ways.

In some cases, the benefits of using CBD while breastfeeding may outweigh the potential dangers. Always consult with your doctor before you start using CBD as a breastfeeding mother.

Why Some Breastfeeding Mothers Consider Using CBD

It’s natural to want to try using CBD while you’re breastfeeding. Some common reasons that postpartum mothers might want to use CBD include:

  • Postpartum pain: The process of your body recovering from having a baby is painful and uncomfortable. CBD is generally seen as a “side effect free” remedy for pain that’s safe and natural.
  • Stress & depression: CBD also often has a soothing effect on the mind. The postpartum period is fraught with unexpected stresses and strong waves of depression — both of which CBD is often seen as alleviating.
  • Help with sleep: Countless thousands of people have experienced relief using CBD gummies for sleep. With sleep so hard to come by during the postpartum period, CBD is an attractive solution.
  • Improving overall health: During normal times in life, it’s common to use CBD as a general health aid. Pregnancy is a delicate period, however, with its own rules regarding what’s healthy and what’s not.

CBD Breastfeeding Studies: Does CBD Pass Into Breast Milk?

According to the studies, yes, CBD does enter breast milk when you use it while breastfeeding. A 2024 research review confirmed that “cannabinoids are stored in adipose tissue, can easily reach the mammary gland, and can be secreted in milk.” Furthermore, it noted that “the endocannabinoid system is intimately connected to the endocrine system,” finding that “interactions of exogenous cannabinoids with the endocannabinoid system might modify release of critical hormones… that regulate milk production and secretion.”

So, not only does CBD enter your breast milk if you use the cannabinoid while breastfeeding, but it might also alter your ability to produce milk. 

How Much CBD Passes Through?

Early research indicated that as little as 1% of the cannabinoids you use enter your breastmilk. By 2018, however, scientists began admitting that up to 8.7% of the cannabinoids you ingest can end up in your breast milk — though that’s with inhaled THC.

Overall, it might be reasonable to assume that around 5% of the CBD you use enters your breast milk. That means if you use 100mg CBD, your baby will end up ingesting around 5mg.

Potential Side Effects of Taking CBD While Nursing

Using CBD while breastfeeding could result in reduced breast milk production and developmental issues in your baby. However, we know very little about the types of side effects that might occur for both you and your baby if you use CBD while breastfeeding.

The vast majority of the research on this subject has concerned maternal marijuana use — in other words, THC cannabis consumption. THC is rightfully seen as the bigger threat since a startling number of mothers use THC cannabis. THC-rich cannabis products are almost unrecognizably different from CBD, however, making data comparisons difficult.

What we do know is that using recreational or medical marijuana during pregnancy and while breastfeeding has the potential to seriously harm your baby. The relative dangers of THC to adults aside, prenatal and postnatal exposure to an intoxicating substance is an entirely different matter. Any mothers struggling with substance use should seek community assistance immediately to avoid infant marijuana exposure.

What Do Health Authorities Say About CBD and Breastfeeding?

Every single major health authority strongly recommends against using CBD while breastfeeding. Whether it’s the FDA, the CDC, or the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), medical experts advise that the risks of using CBD while breastfeeding outweigh any potential benefits. It’s not that these authorities find CBD to be dangerous overall — it’s just that, in light of the evidence, exposing infants to cannabinoids of any kind does not appear to be a wise decision.

Does CBD Affect Breast Milk?

Yes, CBD does affect your breast milk — it may reduce your milk production, and it might alter the delicate hormones in breast milk that are vital to infant and toddler development. We don’t know exactly how CBD affects breast milk, and the impact is likely mild. When considering the health of your child, however, it can be prudent to avoid certain substances until your body is your own again.

Is CBD Harmful to Babies?

Yes, CBD might be harmful to babies even though it’s generally seen as safe for adults. We don’t know enough about CBD to be sure, but many substances that are usually safe are nonetheless dangerous during infancy — that’s why breastfeeding mothers usually abstain from alcohol, prescription medications, and even over-the-counter drugs like aspirin as well.

Unless the benefits of using CBD are compelling in your particular case, it’s best to avoid any potential harm to your baby by not using CBD. Different types of CBD affect your infant’s body in different ways, though:

CBD Oil and Breastfeeding

Internally ingested CBD products like CBD oil are what you want to avoid while breastfeeding. They pass from your digestive tract into your bloodstream where they’re deposited in fatty tissues like your breasts.

CBD Topicals and Breastfeeding

Interestingly, CBD topicals are generally fine to use while pregnant or breastfeeding. That’s because the CBD they contain doesn’t enter your bloodstream — it remains localized to the area where you applied it. So, just don’t apply your CBD topical to your breasts, and this is one way you can still use CBD while breastfeeding.

CBD Gummies and Breastfeeding

Since they’re internally ingested, CBD gummies are — unfortunately — not okay to use while breastfeeding. Even broad-spectrum CBD gummies still contain CBD despite the fact that THC is eliminated. It’s best to abstain until your little one is eating on his or her own.

Smoking CBD While Breastfeeding

Smoking or vaping CBD while breastfeeding has the greatest potential to harm your infant. Not only does doing so introduce CBD into your bloodstream, but it also releases cannabinoids into the air where your baby can inhale them. Even if you use other forms of CBD, at least avoid inhalable products while you’re breastfeeding. 

Conclusion: Using CBD Postpartum

Even though cannabis use while pregnant and breastfeeding alarmingly doesn’t appear to be much of a concern to THC-using moms, we know CBD users are different. You want only what’s best for your baby, and you now know that the cannabis plant has no place near your developing fetus or infant — even if it’s the type of cannabis that doesn’t get you high.

As you start to get your bodily autonomy back, plan for how you’ll reincorporate CBD into your daily routine. You may also decide that CBD is no longer a danger to your baby at a certain point — just check in with your doctor to make sure this is an appropriate time to start using the cannabinoid again.

We know you want what’s best for your baby, and that — of course — includes doing what’s best for you as well. Temporary fixes like CBD can be tempting, but in the end, it’s best to stick with what you know is safe. Ask a doctor, and make your own decision — is using CBD while breastfeeding right for you, or is it best to wait until your body is fully your own once again?

Colorado Botanicals will be there to supply the world’s best CBD whenever you’re ready. Don’t be afraid to contact us for product recommendations and further tips for mothers who want to use CBD.


  • Castro-Navarro, I., McGuire, M. A., Williams, J. E., Holdsworth, E. A., Meehan, C. L., & McGuire, M. K. (2024). Maternal Cannabis Use during Lactation and Potential Effects on Human Milk Composition and Production: A Narrative Review. Advances in Nutrition, 15(4), 100196.
  • Baker, T., Datta, P., Rewers-Felkins, K., Thompson, H., Kallem, R. R., & Hale, T. W. (2018). Transfer of inhaled cannabis into human breast milk. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 131(5), 783–788.
  • Castro-Navarro, I., McGuire, M. A., Williams, J. E., Holdsworth, E. A., Meehan, C. L., & McGuire, M. K. (2024). Maternal Cannabis Use during Lactation and Potential Effects on Human Milk Composition and Production: A Narrative Review. Advances in Nutrition, 15(4), 100196.

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