Satisfaction in the bedroom doesn’t always come easily, but for some men, CBD can be part of the solution. “Lasting longer” is an issue that affects 20-30% of men in sexually active age groups, meaning it’s a widespread problem that countless men are hoping to solve.
Since anxiety is one of the main causes of premature ejaculation, it’s natural to look to CBD’s relaxing effects for help. CBD also affects the operation of your serotonin system, which is critically involved in sexual function.
Should you try CBD as a remedy for lasting longer? Always consult with your doctor if you aren’t sure, but we’ll provide all the relevant evidence in this guide to help you make an educated decision.
What Does "Lasting Longer" Mean?
“Lasting longer” is a euphemism for lasting longer during sex before you orgasm as a man. Whatever the reason, ejaculating before you intend to can reduce both your sexual pleasure and the pleasure of your partner — not to mention pregnancy scares! Lasting longer during sex is a natural priority for sexually active men, and it’s possible some of the effects of CBD might indirectly help.
How CBD Works in the Body
The main way CBD works in the body that might impact your ability to last longer during sex is the cannabinoid’s impact on your serotonin system. Serotonin is a massively important neurotransmitter that’s tasked with managing everything from metabolism to mood. There are a few different ways that improving serotonin flow in the body might help with male sexual performance:
- Improved mood: Serotonin is the main neurotransmitter behind feelings of satisfaction. A sense of calm pride can help you muster the bedroom performance you’re looking for.
- Reduced anxiety: Especially when premature ejaculation has been a problem for a while, it’s normal to feel anxiety during sex. Calming your serotonin system might reduce your anxiety.
- Increased blood flow: Studies show that increased serotonin expression improves blood flow, boosting both your sexual performance and ability to gain and maintain an erection.
Does CBD Help You Last Longer? The Evidence
The scientific evidence so far collected does indicate that CBD may help with lasting longer and male sexual performance in general. The topic of CBD and erectile dysfunction has already been researched at considerable length, for instance, and CBD’s impact on the serotonergic system is well-known.
What’s lacking is direct evidence that CBD helps with erectile dysfunction. The topic has not been explored in human clinical studies, and the animal evidence that exists is highly inconclusive. The theory that CBD can help men last longer in bed has considerable grounds for being taken seriously, but until direct studies are conducted, we’ll need to keep our conclusions conservative.
How CBD May (Indirectly) Help You Last Longer
There’s no evidence that CBD directly causes increased sexual duration in men, but some of CBD’s properties might help nonetheless — primarily the cannabinoid’s ability to soothe the nerves and calm the body. CBD is so relaxing, in fact, that it may inadvertently cause sleepiness during sex… but you might prefer that to cutting your sexual experience short!
Tips for Using CBD to Last Longer
Using CBD the right way will increase your chances of improving your sexual performance:
1. Take CBD 30 minutes before sex
Oral CBD products (CBD oils, CBD gummies, etc.) take around 30-45 minutes to reach their peak effects. So, take your CBD products around half an hour before you expect to have sex.
2. Stay away from topical CBD
Topical CBD products are alluring since they directly affect your problem area. CBD lotions, creams, and even lubes probably shouldn’t be applied to your privates — it’s not the CBD so much as the other ingredients that might pose problems.
3. Start with a low dose
To avoid CBD making you so relaxed you forget about sex altogether, start with a relatively low dose of the cannabinoid — say a 10mg CBD gummy. Then, scale up your dose as you get used to CBD’s effects.
4. Choose high-quality CBD
Only the best CBD will do in the bedroom. Bad flavors and toxic contaminants are terrible turn-offs — but there’s nothing sexier than a premium CBD product that offers excellent effects.
How Much CBD to Use to Last Longer in Bed
New CBD users should stick to 10-25mg for the best improvements to sexual performance. If you’re used to the cannabinoid already, you might want to try using 25-50mg CBD to see if that helps you last even longer. Just remember that too much CBD can make you sleepy — choose your CBD dosage with care.
Can CBD Help Increase Sexual Desire?
It isn’t known as much as an aphrodisiac on its own, but CBD comes from the Cannabis sativa plant, which has been used to make sex more enjoyable and stimulating since the dawn of human history. THC, the primary intoxicating component in cannabis, appears to increase sexual desire — using THC makes you have sex more frequently, at least.
To potentially enjoy these sexual benefits of THC without getting high, consider full-spectrum CBD. This type of CBD extract contains up to 0.3% THC — not enough to cause intoxication, but potentially enough to offer performance-enhancing and aphrodisiac properties.
Does CBD Make Sex Better?
The overall sentiment is that yes, CBD does make sexual intercourse more enjoyable and satisfying. It might not improve sex quite to the degree of THC, but not everyone wants to get high while making love. Sexual health means different things to different people — CBD making the sexual experience more relaxing might be exactly what you’re looking for.
Does CBD Help with ED?
CBD might help with erectile dysfunction (ED) both due to specific effects of the cannabinoid and because CBD appears to improve male sexual activity overall. Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are related issues with similar root causes, and there’s evidence that CBD might help with both of these common male sexual issues.
Risks and Side Effects
CBD has very few risks compared to other sexual wellness aids. It will not cause you to have a dangerously prolonged erection or put you at risk of a cardiac event. CBD can interact negatively with certain prescription drugs, however — consult with your doctor before proceeding.
It’s also true that CBD commonly causes sleepiness — you could become too tired to consummate the sexual act if you take high doses. Reducing blood pressure is also a common side effect of CBD — proceed with caution if you already struggle with hypotension.
There’s also a chance that cannabis use in general might negatively affect male fertility. But, if your concern is sexual performance specifically and not the reproductive aspect of the act, a few lazy spermatozoa might not be a cause for worry.
CBD Products Intended to Improve Sex
Quite a few CBD products specifically designed to improve sex are available on the internet. In most cases, you’re better off with regular CBD oils or gummies, but here are your options:
CBD oils for sex
Some CBD oils are infused with aphrodisiacs or otherwise formulated specifically to help with male sexual performance. Watch out for these so-called “performance-enhancing” ingredients, though.
CBD lube
Applying CBD directly to your genitals is a proposition you’re right to receive with some skepticism. It’s rare for even normal lube to be made safely, and adding CBD into the mix only complicates matters.
CBD flower and vapes
Smoking cannabis to improve sex is as old as time, and CBD flower is now available online as a non-intoxicating alternative. The effects of inhaled CBD only last a short time, however, and there’s a distinct chance you’ll burn a hole in your favorite sheets.
Summary: Can CBD Up Your Bedroom Game?
Sexual anxiety is a normal issue in men with many different potential root causes. Even when sexual arousal and sex drive are not issues, simply lasting long enough during sex to ensure mutual satisfaction can be a source of both frustration and pain.
Many men have received relief from this frustration by using CBD. Unlike smoking cannabis with THC, which can cause mental confusion or “make things too real,” CBD is gentle and non-intoxicating — while still seemingly offering many of the same benefits against sexual dysfunction as normal cannabis.
Whether or not Freud was right about it being the meaning of life, sexual satisfaction is certainly an important aspect of living well. It’s our sincere hope that CBD improves your sex life — trust Colorado Botanicals for the highest-quality certified CBD on the internet.
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