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Can You Overdose on CBD?

Can You Overdose on CBD?

According to current drug experts and top CBD researchers in the United States, the answer is no. With CBD being the rage across the nation, the question, “can you overdose on CBD” arises often. This is often due to the number of news stories reported about THC overdose and emergency room visits in America.[1] Still, unlike THC, taking too much CBD does not get you high or cause an overdose. However, it may cause side effects if you take too much.

The main active compound in cannabis used to get people high is Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Reported studies have disclosed that hemp-derived CBD products contain less than .03 percent THC; therefore, overdosing on CBD is highly unlikely. Although CBD products (cannabidiol CBD) show therapeutic promise for many, more research on humans’ effects still needs FDA approval.[2]

To discover the potential overdosing effects of CBD on humans who take too much, keep reading to see what is possible and currently known about people who overdose on CBD.

Overdosing on CBD is highly improbable, but very high doses can cause side effects

Can You Overdose on CBD Products With THC?

No, not necessarily because CBD products can contain a maximum of 0.3% THC since the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, allowing CBD products to be sold and shipped across the nation if it meets certain criteria. One of which is the THC potency in the products.

Can there be side effects if you take too much? Yes, that is possible, but if you plan to take less than 100mg at once, you don’t have anything to worry about. Still, no one really needs 100mg of CBD to take at once.

If you’re talking about cannabis products that are high in THC, then there is a possibility you can overdose or cause you to end up in the emergency room. THC is the cannabinoid that can cause adverse reactions such as anxiety or panic attacks and a faster heart rate.

Broad-Spectrum CBD

If you’re worried about consuming CBD products that may have too much THC levels, then we recommend going with Broad Spectrum CBD products as they are THC-Free.

Other types of CBD products are Full Spectrum, which contains up to 0.3% THC, or CBD Isolate, which is also THC-Free. However, CBD Isolate does not contain other essential compounds such as other cannabinoids and terpenes.

Representation of Broad Spectrum CBD products how it contains other compounds but no THC

Proper Dosage of CBD Oil

CBD oil’s proper dosage varies from person to person as everyone’s body reacts differently to CBD. We dive deep into the specifics in our CBD dosing guide, but we always recommend people to start low and go up.

We don’t recommend starting low and going up because of side effects, but because it’s all about finding the optimal dose. If you have a light to medium case, we recommend starting with 10mg to 20mg of CBD for the first 3-5 days. See how CBD makes you feel after you take it. Are you calmer and more relaxed? Are you sleeping much easier and getting better quality sleep? Or do you simply not feel it enough?

If you feel it great, then you’re probably taking the optimal dose that your body needs. If you don’t feel it much, increase your dose by 5mg to 10mg every 2-3 days. If you come to the point that you don’t feel CBD’s effects the same, then your body built a tolerance, and you should take a 3-5 day break or cut your dose in half, so your tolerance levels reset.

The image you see below shows a clear representation of why we tell people to start low and go up. This is called the Biphasic Effect, meaning that the effects don’t necessarily improve as the dose increases.

CBD & Cannabinoids Biphasic Explained Graph on how Cannabinoids have diminishing effects at higher doses

Symptoms and Signs of Overdosing on CBD

Although rare, an overdose of CBD may still be possible, especially if the product is mislabeled. Many factors impact overdosing like the amount of CBD dose, first-time use, use of a contaminated CBD product, body weight, expired CBD, and more.

Symptoms and signs of CBD overdose may include:

  • Panic attacks or extreme anxiety.
  • Psychotic reactions where one becomes paranoid or loses touch with reality or becomes paranoid.
  • Decreased coordination, judgment, perception, leading to injuries or even death.
  • Chest pain, a fast heart rate, or heart attack.
  • Uncontrollable seizures or shaking.
  • Unresponsiveness or delusional effect.
  • The pale skin color on the body.
  • Sudden high blood pressure with a headache.

For an accidental CBD overdose due to mislabeled CBD, get help by calling 911 or go to the closest emergency room for immediate help.

What Does the FDA Say About CBD Overdose?

The only CBD drug approved and evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is called Epidiolex, which is used to treat two rare forms of epilepsy.[3] Therefore, all other CBD products are not designed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

7 Frequently Asked Questions About CBD

If you’ve never used CBD, it’s wise to find out everything you can before taking your first dose. Whether you’re worried about side effects or concerned about building a tolerance to cannabidiol, you can rest assured that someone else has shared your concerns in the past. You can use the answers below to make a more informed decision about whether it’s right for you or not?

#1: Can You Overdose on CBD Oil?

If you buy a high-quality brand name CBD oil, the odds that it could cause an overdose are almost nonexistent. However, the first time you consume contaminated CBD oil, depending on the ingredients used, it could cause an overdose on CBD oil.

#2: Can CBD Make You Sick?

In short, the answer is yes. To avoid the effects of feeling sick, make sure to check the expiration date of the CBD oil. Expired CBD oil can make you sick; therefore, to get maximum health benefits and avoid bad CBD oil’s ill effects, always buy CBD from a reputable vendor.

#3: Can CBD Oil Kill You?

If you take too much CBD, there’s a chance you may wind up experiencing unpleasant side effects and harm to your liver, but it won’t kill you. There have been no studies showing that taking CBD at any dose could be fatal to date. However, since the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate cannabis sales, you could wind up with tainted products if you aren’t careful, which could be dangerous.

#4: What to Do if You’ve Had Too Much CBD?

The first thing to do is remind yourself that there is no chance of a cannabis overdose becoming fatal. The side effects of taking too much hemp-based CBD are less severe than those associated with marijuana. You should stay hydrated, make yourself comfortable, and let some time pass to feel better.

If you feel very unpleasant effects, then we highly recommend that you reach out to your doctor, call 911, or have someone take you to the emergency room to get checked up.

#5: Can You Build a Tolerance to CBD Oil?

Yes, you certainly can build a tolerance to CBD, and it’s quite common, especially to those who think consuming more will be more effective. Above in the CBD dosing section, we talked about the Biphasic Effect of CBD and explained how when you take too much, you may not feel CBD the same as before. That’s because you simply built a tolerance for CBD.

How to reset your tolerance levels, so CBD works as it did before?

We recommend taking a 3-5 day break from consuming any CBD to reset it and starting back at a lower dose fully. If you really want to continue taking CBD, then just cut your dose in half and wait for the effects of CBD to come back. However, the best option would be to take a minimum of 1-2 days off CBD and start back at a lower dose.

#6: How Much is Too Much CBD?

The average person doesn’t have to worry about taking too much CBD? Although there is no study conducted on “how much CBD is too much,” anything over 100-200mg of CBD is unnecessary. As we mentioned above, after a certain point, your body builds a tolerance and doesn’t produce the same effects.

Most people start with low doses of CBD, usually between 10mg and 20mg per day, and slowly increase them. Since it’s rare for even large amounts of CBD to cause side effects, it’s a safe way to find your lowest effective dose.

#7: Where to Buy Lab-Tested CBD?

There are a lot of companies and places where you can purchase lab-tested CBD products. A great place to start is a nearby CBD shop, but before heading over, make sure the people who run the place are highly educated about CBD and not selling only their own branded products.

Or you can purchase from a reputable company like Colorado Botanicals where we have a reputation for integrity and transparency. Our products are first tested in-house after each batch using the same chromatography machines licensed third-party labs have, and then we send it to a lab to get an honest, non-biased, transparent third-party lab report.

The Bottom Line

The odds of you overdosing on CBD products are improbable, even taking very high doses. However, consuming too much and going overboard can cause adverse reactions, including liver damage. So start at a low dose of 10mg to 20mg in a day and see how your body reacts to CBD. If you have a more serious case, then, by all means, you can start at a higher dose.

Don’t forget, more does not mean more effective! It’s all about finding your optimal dosage.

Another important point to always remember is to always purchase from a reputable company to avoid an expired or contaminated CBD product.





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