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How CBD Can Help You Be a Better Parent

How CBD Can Help You Be a Better Parent

Nineteen percent of Americans have anxiety.

Anxiety is a very common and very real issue that does not discriminate, and it can affect anyone no matter their age, class, gender, or ethnicity.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, anxiety levels are skyrocketing. In fact, a Gallup poll from April found that 60 percent of Americans are experiencing anxiety right now. Some of us are facing job or income loss, some of us are dealing with sickness or grief, and some of us are finding it difficult to live in such uncertainty. This is particularly true for parents who are navigating an entirely new landscape where their kids are learning from home, are cooped up in the house, and are experiencing new emotions.

The pandemic has also created new challenges like inhibiting medical appointments with primary care doctors or mental health professionals. This may be hard for individuals who are suffering from anxiety, depression, or stress at this time. For those who do not need immediate emergency mental health support, CBD or CBD oil might be a good option.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a cannabinoid found in cannabis. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is not psychoactive—meaning it won’t make you high. This could be beneficial for parents who need something 100% legal to calm them. However, like THC, studies have found CBD to have several benefits.

Not only can CBD aid with managing anxiety, but it can also assist in other areas of your life such as pain, sleep, and overall well-being. Below we’d like to discuss some of its benefits, particularly for parents who may be struggling at this time. While CBD is safe with very few known side effects, it’s always important to speak with your doctor before trying something new.

Anxiety relief: Anxiety is the number one reason why people take CBD. Even Kim Kardashian and Kristen Bell take CBD to help them handle the stress of motherhood and their careers. Researchers believe that CBD interacts with your serotonin receptors, which can affect your mood for the better. Most research in the science community on cannabis has been focused on the benefits of THC. However, small studies on CBD have sprung up over the past 10 years as CBD grows in popularity, including one funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs. While more research still needs to be conducted, early results are promising. A small study in Brazil found that CBD is helpful in treating individuals with social anxiety disorder, and another study found CBD to be promising in treating panic disorder. One study from a psychiatrist at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Fort Collins found that CBD helped ease anxiety of a child with PTSD. These are all highly specific studies, but the overarching theme is that CBD seems to calm patients by easing their anxiety symptoms.

Sleep aid: Insomnia can be caused by a long list of issues, including anxiety, stress, PTSD, depression, pain…and parenting. Maybe you’re experiencing insomnia right now as you worry about what the future holds for you and your family. CBD has been found to be a promising sleep aid. Your endocannabinoid system is known to play a large role in many areas of your body, including your appetite, digestion, mood, motor control, immune function, and sleep. CBD supports your endocannabinoid system, meaning it can help regulate your sleep. One study in 2014 found that CBD improved sleeping issues with Parkinson’s patients, and another study of 72 adults who took 25 mg of CBD had their anxiety levels decrease by 79 percent, and their insomnia improved by 66 percent. One of the most promising studies on the benefits of CBD is treating children with epilepsy, and medical professionals have discovered that CBD medicine to treat these children—Epidiolex—has a drowsiness side effect.

Pain relief: Pain is a beast, and when you’re in pain—say you have a headache or back issues from sitting at your computer all day—nothing makes it worse that screaming or obstinate children. Fortunately, CBD has shown promising results in pain relief. One study published in 2017 found that CBD “influences” pain response in rats who had a surgical incision. In another study with rats, oral CBD helped reduce neuropathic pain and inflammation. CBD pain relief can come in the form of CBD oil, edibles, or topicals.

Bottom line: While research on CBD is still growing, it has been found to have positive effects on anxiety, depression, insomnia, and pain relief. If you’ve been curious about CBD, particularly as a supplement for the stresses of parenting, there is no better time to buy CBD than now.

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