All CBD gummies are hemp gummies, but not all hemp gummies are CBD gummies. This basic logical statement could take an entire guide to fully understand, but let’s start by putting it as simply as possible:
- CBD comes from Cannabis sativa
- As long as CBD gummies contain less than 0.3% THC, they’re considered “hemp”
- Hemp gummies can contain cannabinoids other than CBD, though
- CBG and CBN gummies are common alternatives
- So, while all CBD gummies must also be hemp gummies to be sold online…
- Some hemp gummies might contain cannabinoids other than CBD
Other hemp gummies might not contain any hemp cannabinoids at all. Hemp seed oil gummies, for instance, are entirely cannabinoid-free. Now, let’s dive into the details: What are hemp gummies, what are CBD gummies, and what’s the difference?
What Are Hemp Gummies?
Hemp gummies are gummies that contain some sort of extract from the hemp plant — nothing more specific than that. “Hemp oil” can even refer to hemp seed gummies, which only offer nutritional properties.
Definition and Ingredients
“Hemp” is another word for Cannabis sativa, an ancient plant that has been a companion of humanity since the dawn of history. The hemp plant produces hemp seeds, which can be pollinated to grow new hemp plants.
Without pollination, however, hemp seeds remain the fertile nuggets of nutrition from which a new plant would have sprouted. Even human beings can benefit from this nutritional content, which includes omega fatty acids and essential minerals.
What hemp seeds don’t contain is cannabinoids, so they won’t cause any of the famous effects of these cannabis-only compounds. Aside from that, hemp seed gummies can contain many of the same ingredients as CBD gummies, such as tapioca starch and cane sugar.
Benefits of Hemp Gummies
Hemp seed oil gummies are useful for their nutritional benefits. They aren’t useful for any of the reasons CBD gummies are beneficial, but they can fill gaps in your diet or even provide your body with an excess of the nutrients it needs, potentially improving your health.
Keep in mind that “hemp gummies” doesn’t only refer to hemp seed oil gummies. Gummies with CBD or any other cannabinoid are also “hemp gummies,” technically, so you could say the benefits of hemp gummies encompass their benefits, too.
Legal Status
Hemp seed oil gummies and hemp-derived CBD products are generally viewed the same under the law as long as they contain less than 0.3% THC, the intoxicating substance still banned by the federal government and defined as “marijuana.” So, while hemp seed oil gummies don’t contain any cannabinoids at all, CBD gummies enjoy the exact same legal status so long as their THC content remains below the federally mandated threshold.
What Are CBD Gummies?
CBD gummies are hemp gummies, but they’re a special type of hemp gummies. They contain cannabidiol, a unique cannabinoid that doesn’t get you high.
Definition and Ingredients
CBD gummies are defined by their high concentration of cannabidiol (CBD), the second-most abundant cannabinoid in the hemp plant. While THC might be more common in hemp and cannabis, CBD has a major advantage — it doesn’t get you high.
Unlike hemp seed oil gummies, CBD gummies can contain a small amount of THC — not enough to cause issues from a federal legality standpoint, but potentially enough to make you fail a drug test. The tradeoff is CBD’s incredible benefits: Users swear that CBD helps with their pain, sleep, and anxiety.
Benefits of CBD Gummies
CBD gummies are an easy and convenient way to take CBD anytime, anywhere. It’s no trouble to take CBD gummies since they’re chewable and delicious, and a single gummy can contain as much as 25mg CBD — certainly an effective dose.
The overall benefits of CBD remain under investigation, but the cannabinoid has been investigated for its ability to:
- Reduce pain
- Facilitate sleep
- Manage anxiety
- Help with epilepsy
- Heal the nervous system
- & much more
Types of CBD in Gummies
Just knowing that a gummy contains CBD doesn’t really tell you that much. Full-spectrum CBD gummies are a lot different from the broad-spectrum equivalent, for instance, and both are better than gummies with CBD isolate.
Full Spectrum CBD
Full-spectrum CBD contains the entire spectrum of cannabinoids in cannabis — even THC. Federal law limits THC concentrations to 0.3% THC or less, however: not enough to get you high, but enough to trigger the entourage effect to the fullest.
Broad Spectrum CBD
Broad-spectrum CBD oil is the same as full-spectrum hemp extract but without any THC at all. In broad-spectrum CBD gummies, the THC has been removed, but the other beneficial components of cannabis remain intact. Users prefer this option if they are commonly drug tested or are sensitive to THC.
CBD Isolate
Mostly outmoded, isolate CBD is a THC-free legacy ingredient that consists only of the CBD molecule. With the advent of broad-spectrum CBD, isolate became obsolete, but some companies may still use it in gummies to cut on costs.
Legal Status
CBD gummies are considered the same as any other hemp product if they contain less than 0.3% THC. In other words, they’re legal in all 50 states and can be shipped and carried over state lines. Some individual jurisdictions may have laws against CBD, but they only pertain to CBD sales and use within those jurisdictions.
Hemp Gummies vs. CBD Gummies: Key Differences
Let’s dive a bit deeper into the similarities and differences between hemp gummies and gummies that specifically contain CBD:
Source of Ingredients
CBD gummies contain CBD extract, which comes from the same botanical species that people sometimes call “marijuana plants.” These cannabis plants contain low THC, however, and they’re — in fact — no different from the plants from which manufacturers derive hemp seeds. CBD gummies and hemp seed oil gummies both contain ingredients derived from hemp, just from different parts of the plant.
Cannabinoid Content
Hemp seed oil gummies should not contain any cannabinoids whatsoever. CBD gummies, on the other hand, can contain high concentrations of cannabinoids — just less than 0.3% THC. Put another way, hemp seed oil gummies are cannabinoid-free, but if you could say the same about CBD gummies, they’d lose their purpose.
Primary Uses
People mainly use hemp seed oil gummies as nutritional supplements since they’re great sources of essential fatty acids and other nutrients. CBD gummies, on the other hand, are relied upon primarily for their potential health benefits. Hemp seed oil might have certain therapeutic benefits too, but they’re certainly eclipsed by the healing power of CBD.
Taste and Texture
There shouldn’t be a massive difference between hemp and CBD gummies in terms of taste or texture. Gummies have roughly the same texture regardless of their ingredients, and most hemp gummies of any kind mask the taste of the cannabis plant with sweeteners and flavoring. Connoisseurs, though, may find hemp seed oil gummies to taste more “nutty” while CBD gummies are more “herbal.”
Price Comparison
CBD gummies might be somewhat more expensive than gummies containing just hemp seed extract. It all depends on the quality of the ingredients and the ethics of the company, though — it’s just as easy to charge too much for too little as it is to offer more value than customers commonly expect.
Labeling and Misconceptions
Sometimes, the very labeling attached to hemp or CBD gummies can make it easier to confuse the two. To make it simple, keep an eye out for two keywords: “CBD” and “hemp seed.” With CBD gummies, the term “hemp seed” should not be printed anywhere on the packaging or accompanying labeling material. Conversely, hemp seed oil gummies do not contain CBD, so the acronym should not be present on their labeling.
How to Choose Between Hemp Gummies and CBD Gummies
In the end, making the choice between hemp seed gummies and CBD gummies is easy. Let’s slim the question down:
Determine Your Goals
Are you mainly looking to fill nutritional gaps, or are you seeking relief from daily aches and pains? Hemp seed oil gummies are good for the former, and CBD gummies for the latter.
Check the Label
Don’t make a mistake: Check the labeling, whether online and person, attached to any CBD or hemp gummy product you’re considering to make sure you end up with the right product.
Consider Budget and Availability
Hemp seed oil gummies can sometimes be less expensive than CBD gummies, but not always. Both CBD and hemp seed gummies are widely available all throughout the United States due to the modern wonders of eCommerce.
Are Hemp Gummies or CBD Gummies Right for You?
Summing it up just once more, hemp seed gummies are for those pursuing nutritional goals, and CBD gummies are for those seeking help with chronic health concerns. This simple assessment doesn’t cover every single gummy user — certainly not. But, if you’re still on the fence, just consider this final question: Better nutrition, or a natural health remedy? Which is it you’re seeking most?
FAQs About Hemp Gummies vs. CBD Gummies
Where can I buy CBD gummies?
You can buy CBD gummies, CBD oils, CBD softgels, CBN oils, CBD for dogs, CBG oils, and all kinds of other CBD products easily and with an informed perspective when you shop on the internet. With online CBD shopping being so simple and rewarding, there’s no need to wonder where to buy CBD gummies any longer. Trust Colorado Botanicals as the internet’s premier source of organic CBD products since 2017.
Do hemp gummies contain CBD?
Some hemp gummies contain CBD, but not all. Check the packaging specifically for the acronym CBD: Just because a product is labeled “hemp gummies” doesn’t necessarily mean it contains CBD.
Can hemp gummies help with anxiety or sleep?
Yes, in addition to using CBD gummies for pain, people often use them for reducing anxiety and improving sleep as well. Just remember to choose an appropriate dosage of CBD gummies to take before you dive into everything this non-intoxicating cannabinoid has to offer.
Are hemp gummies legal?
Yes, hemp gummies are legal in the same way that CBD oil is legal: As long as they contain less than 0.3% THC, they are considered industrial hemp and can be sold online.
How old do you have to be to buy CBD gummies online?
There is no federal age limit for buying CBD online, so it’s up to CBD companies to impose age limits. Most CBD companies ask that their customers be at least 18-21 years old to make purchases. This policy is not a legal requirement, but it does conform with many state laws on CBD purchases.
Can I travel with CBD?
Yes, it is legal to travel with CBD over state lines if it contains less than 0.3% THC. In regards to airline travel, the TSA has stated that it no longer searches for CBD or other hemp and cannabis products. So, you should have no trouble traveling with CBD, but always check the laws of the specific jurisdiction you are traveling to if you want to ensure a hassle-free trip.
How do I know if my gummies contain CBD?
You’ll be able to tell if gummies contain CBD by looking for the acronym “CBD” anywhere on the labeling. Hemp gummies that don’t contain CBD will be labeled as “hemp,” but “CBD” will be absent from the packaging.
Are there any side effects of hemp or CBD gummies?
In almost every case, CBD will make you feel lightly relaxed with no side effects. The same goes for hemp seed oil gummies, which are very unlikely to have any side effects at all. Gummies with CBD, though, can cause mild side effects like:
- Dry mouth
- Sleepiness
- Digestive discomfort
In some cases, a rare cannabis allergy can occur. CBD may also interact with certain prescription medications. Consult with your doctor if you’re currently using any medications before trying CBD gummies.
Can I take hemp and CBD gummies together?
Yes, there’s no reason you shouldn’t take hemp seed oil gummies and CBD gummies at the same time. Doing so might even be considered a truly “whole-plant” cannabis experience — you’re getting the benefits of both the seeds and flowers of the plant simultaneously.
Which are better: hemp gummies or CBD gummies?
When considering hemp gummies vs. CBD gummies, you have to keep your needs in mind first and foremost. Gummies with CBD provide completely different effects from hemp gummies that don’t, so start by educating yourself on what sets these two categories of hemp products apart. From there, decide which is better for you based on the specific effect profile offered by each option.
Conclusion: Are Hemp Gummies the Same as CBD Gummies?
It’s easy to confuse hemp gummies with CBD gummies. To set the record straight one final time:
- All CBD gummies are hemp gummies because CBD is considered a hemp extract
- Not all hemp gummies are CBD gummies, however, because some hemp gummies contain other cannabinoids or just hemp seed oil
Hemp plant seeds can be useful for nutritional purposes, but that’s not what we’re looking for in CBD. Gummies with CBD are designed to deliver this cannabinoid quickly and deliciously — no hassle and no mess.